KWANG MYUNG MAPBOARD communication driver is the driver to communicate with Map board controller of KwangMyung Control Co., Ltd. in Korea.
<Figure 1> is read setting example of KWANG MYUNG MAPBOARD communication driver.
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<Figure 1> Read setting example of KWANG MYUNG MAPBOARD communication driver |
Device part of <Figure 1> input Com Port(COM1), Baud Rate(9600), Parity Bit(0), Data Bit(8), Stop Bit(1) respectively, according to controller.
KWANG MYUNG MAPBOARD communication driver read schedule
Read schedule of KWANG MYUNG MAPBOARD communication driver input 'READ' one line.
Read schedule example)
KWANG MYUNG MAPBOARD communication driver have to make 'Map Config' at 'work folder\TAG\KM_MAP01.INI ~ KM_MAP256.INI'. ( 01 ~ 256 = port number )
Input method of Map Config data are as follows :
(a) Separate by Comma( , ) each data.
(b) Input at one line for one Map Board data.
(c) Map Board type : 0 = none, 1 = STATUS , 2 =ANALOG.
After Map Board type, input number of count / 2.
Input example)
1, 12, 2, 12, 0, 0, 2, 12,
0, 0, 2, 12,
2, 12,
You can control Map Board by using 'writing settings'.
Digital Write
Digital write setting parameters are as follows:
1) PORT Port no. (0 ~ 255)
2) STATION 0 ~ 16 Map Board number.
3) ADDRESS Writing address when 2, DATADUMP(hex-decimal unit).
2 - 0000 ~ 00FF status point number,
DATA DUMP - higher 2 digit = 00 ~ FF Board number, lower 2 digit = 00 ~ FF Point number,
RST, TEST, STOP - don't care.
4) Extra1 OP Code.
2 - Change Dump of each status point,
DATADUMP, space, ... - Data Dump of each status board,
RST - power fail reset,
TEST - lamp test,
STOP - stop lamp test.
5) Extra2 Output status.
2 - 0 = Off, 1 = Green, 2 = Green Flash, 3 = Red, 4 = Red Flash, 5 = Amber, 6 = Amber Flash,
DATA DUMP - 0 = Off, 1 = Green, 2 = Green Flash, 4 = Red, 8 = Red Flash, 5 =:Amber, 10 =:Amber Flash,
TEST - 0 ~ 11 Test value,
RST, STOP - don't care.
Write example 1)
PORT:0, station:1, ADDRESS:0002, Extra1: , Extra2 : 4
The setting parameter shown above is status point On(Red)/Off write setting example for 00 Board number, 02 Point number.
Analog Write
Analog write setting parameters are as follows:
1) PORT Port no. (0 ~ 255)
2) STATION 0 ~ 16 Map Board number.
3) ADDRESS Writing address when 2, DATADUMP(hex-decimal unit).
12 - 0000 ~ 00FF analog point number,
DATA DUMP - higher 2 digit = 00 ~ FF Board number, lower 2 digit = 00 ~ FF Point number,
RST, TEST, STOP - don't care.
4) Extra1 OP Code.
12 - Change Dump of each analog point,
DATADUMP, space, ... - Data Dump of each status board,
RST - power fail reset,
TEST - lamp test,
STOP - stop lamp test.
5) Extra2 Output status.
DATA DUMP - 0 = don't use decimal point, 1 ~ 3 = 1 ~ 3 decimal point, 9 = don't use decimal point and fill '0' left character, 10 = don't use decimal point and fill space(' ') when all '0' character,
( * 9, 10 = can use 5 or or more analog point. (upper digit : 10, lower digit : 9))
12, TEST, RST, STOP - don't care.
Write example 1)
PORT:0, station:3, ADDRESS:0102, Extra1: , Extra2 : 1
The setting parameter shown above is status board write setting example for 01 Board number, 02 Point number with 1 decimal point.